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Family Home

Mühlweg - Bauplatz A

Mühlweg - Bauplatz A

Austria 2006 | 84 accomodation unit 4-storys

BBS inner walls
5-layers 98 mm, spruce non-visible,
capable of carrying a load and stiffened, R30

BBS partition walls
3-layers 80 mm, spruce non-visible, R30, 2-shelled
The BBS walls are delivered to the executing company unprocessed. They will then be cut, large-sized erection finished pre-erected and delivered to the building site by them.

BBS partition ceilings
5-layers 138 mm, underside spruce for use in living areas AB

Celling construction

BBS roof
5-layers 138 mm, underside spruce for use in living areas AB
The BBS ceiling and roof elements are cut ready for erecting in the BBS factory and delivered directly to the building site.

Low-energy standard with approx. 30 kW/m2/a heating load

Planned building costs
~ 1,250 Euro/m2 useful area excluding VAT [without honoraria and additional costs]
7,500 m2 useful area, ~ 9.4 million Euro total costs

Construction period
Construction begins July 2005, planned completion end of 2006

Sound insulation
Before the building work started a 2 storey test building made of BBS with all connection details in the scale of 1:1 was built. The apartment partition ceiling was tested regarding the noise level and different constructions were investigated with a positive result.
The measurements carried out on the building site also produced positive results.

According to the report Central timber page number 33

Executor: www.schertler-alge.at
Architecture: www.jkarch.atwww.kaufmann.archbuero.com
Description of construction ARGE Kaufmann


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